Strategies and tools for solving problems of business management in crisis minds




strategy, tool, risk assessment, management, crisis conditions


The article is devoted to the consideration of the impact of risks on the performance of enterprises as an important aspect of strategic management in conditions of uncertainty and crisis. The focus of the article on financial and economic risks emphasizes their key role in the formation of business profitability and stability, making them an object of special study. The article also examines other important risk categories, such as commercial, legal, industrial, and organizational-management, revealing the complexity and variety of challenges that can arise in crisis situations. The importance of a balanced approach to risk assessment is emphasized, as they can arise from different areas of activity. The article presents a toolkit for assessing the risks of enterprise management in crisis conditions. Among them, the statistical method, calculation-analytical method, economic-statistical method and sensitivity analysis are indicated. Each of these methods helps The article analyzes risk management strategies, in particular the strategy of active actions, the strategy of internal protection and the strategy of diversification. These strategies determine the main directions for enterprises that seek to reduce the level of risk and ensure stability in the conditions of the crisis. The article also provides a quantitative assessment of the degree of risk for Ukrainian enterprises in 2022, divided by size and industry, which makes it an important tool for businesses and investors who develop their strategies in conditions of economic instability. The research results presented in the article have important practical significance for business and enterprise management in crisis conditions. The study provides companies with a toolkit for assessing financial and economic risks, which allows them to identify key factors that can affect profitability. The use of strategies of active actions, internal protection and diversification helps enterprises to effectively minimize these risks and maintain the stability of the financial condition.


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How to Cite

Babenko, V., & Nazarova, T. (2024). Strategies and tools for solving problems of business management in crisis minds. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(4), 9–16.

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