Role and nuances of communications in Healthcare facilities




communication, paternalistic approach, patient-oriented approach, patient, health care institution, provision of medical services


The article highlights the importance and peculiarity of communications in the medical field. The characteristics of "health care institution - patient" communication, which are formed and used in different approaches to providing medical care, namely in paternalistic and patient-oriented. It was found that they differ in the following characteristics: the purpose of communication "health care institution - patient", the tasks of the health care institution, the type of "doctor-patient" relationship, models of "doctor-patient" communication, principles of "doctor-patient" communication ", availability of feedback "health care institution - patient", communication channels of message transmission, means of communication, the role of communication in the activity of a health care institution, definition of communication. Based on the results of the research, communication schemes were built for different approaches to providing medical care. With the paternalistic approach, communication is built on the basis of classic processes and includes the following stages: the doctor's questioning of the patient about health complaints, formulation, coding and transmission of the message by the doctor - recommendations for solving health problems, receiving and decoding the message - recommendations by the patient , assessment of message comprehensibility - consultations by the patient, implementation of recommendations. With a patient-oriented approach, communication includes a more extensive list of stages, namely: identification by the doctor of intentions, religious, etc. patient preferences, the doctor's definition of the purpose of communication, the doctor's survey of the patient regarding health complaints, the doctor's formulation of the message - information about the options for solving the health problem, the doctor's coding of the message - information in a format appropriate for the patient, the doctor's transmission of the message - information through an adequate, accessible, valid and attractive channel for the patient, reception and decoding by the patient of the received message - information, discussion between the doctor and the patient about options for solving the health problem and choosing one in accordance with intentions, religious, etc. the patient's preferences, formulation, coding and transmission of the message by the doctor - recommendations for solving health problems according to the selected option, receiving and decoding the message - recommendations by the patient and implementation of the recommendations.


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How to Cite

Myruta, N. (2024). Role and nuances of communications in Healthcare facilities. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(4), 127–137.

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