The influence of factors on the formation of information provision of real estate use at the regional level
Real estate, information support, regional level, mathematical tools, spatial, urban planning, environmental, investment factorsAbstract
The need and relevance of the formation of information support for the use of real estate at the regional level has been proven. The purpose of the study is to form real estate information support at the regional level. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are solved: characteristics of methods of mathematical modelling of the influence of real estate information support factors at the regional level; determination of practical aspects of the influence of spatial, urban planning, environmental and investment factors on the formation of real estate at the regional level. As a result of the study, the regions were determined, in which the contribution to the dispersion of all indicators of real estate information provision at the regional level by quantitative factors is the smallest. In this context, the corresponding contribution to the variance of the indicator is determined to be less than 1% and marked as "+". Out of 17 indicators of 4 groups, the smallest deviation from mathematical expectation is observed in the Vinnytsia (15), Kherson (13), Kharkiv (12), Ternopil (10) and Chernivtsi (10) regions. It was these regions that were adopted as the basis for further research.
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