Research of the existing problems of the organization of urban passenger transportation




urban transport, passenger transport, bus routes, transportation demand, population mobility


The role of urban passenger transport in the national economy is extremely important, and its significance is difficult to overestimate. This type of transport, functioning as an industry, satisfies the personal and societal needs of citizens and is an integral part of a unified system, where the interaction of all its components defines the economic mechanism of the city and adjacent regions. The development of urban passenger transport is a relevant issue in any economic system. It constitutes an essential part of modern urban infrastructure, with significant socio-economic importance for each city and the country as a whole, as it performs various vital functions - social, economic, cultural, and others. The urban passenger transport system provides reliable transportation links between different parts of the city, guarantees accessible transport services for all layers of the population, and contributes to the efficient functioning of the economy and people's livelihoods. It also serves as an indicator of the city's development, as the level of development of the passenger transport system determines the duration of residents' travel and transportation fatigue, which impacts work productivity. With the increasing mobility of residents and changing consumption patterns, the effective functioning of the passenger transport system becomes a necessary condition for the sustainable development of the modern city. The operations of urban passenger transport are accompanied by a range of economic, technical, technological, and organizational-management issues, and their neglect can lead to inadequate provision of transportation for the city's population, hinder economic development, worsen the quality of transport services, and decrease the level of transportation and environmental safety. This article analyzed the problems of organizing urban passenger transportation that exist in Ukraine today.


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How to Cite

Shapenko, Y., Gulchak, O., Kotova, S., Bilonoh, O., & Yaroshevskyy, V. (2023). Research of the existing problems of the organization of urban passenger transportation. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(4), 87–95.



Transport and communications, shipbuilding

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