Analysis of the state of modern scientific thought on the use of vehicles in passenger transport
Passengers, transport systems, process modelling, efficiencyAbstract
Scientific research on the state of modern scientific thought on the use of vehicles in passenger transport reveals the state of establishing relevant approaches to solving a wide range of problems and challenges for scientists around the world. The paper set such a task as a systematic analysis of modern scientific literature published during 2010 - 2022 on the organization of passenger transport by different types and types of passenger transport. Only articles included in the Scopus scientometric database were used in the study. The purpose of this work is to identify modern methodological, theoretical, scientific approaches to addressing the issues inherent in the processes of passenger transportation. The results of the study found that the current state of scientific thought, for the most part, offers a simulation of passenger transport processes. Researchers drew attention to passenger traffic not only by different types and modes of transport, but also by different distances. The approaches of transport modelling proposed by scientists take into account the solution of problems, but do not consider the problems of the transport industry in full. It is also impossible to say with certainty that the methods proposed by scientists are such that take into account the multifactorial nature of external and internal parameters. Thus, not only external factors of the system and possible changes in the parameters of internal subsystems are not fully taken into account, but also variants of the state and composition of the passenger transportation systems themselves. Among the proposed methods for calculating certain parameters, contemporaries mostly offer computer simulations or mathematical descriptions. The study concludes that the consideration of methods of mathematical and computer modelling as the main at the time of the study.
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