Methods of solving problems related to the organization of passenger transportation by road transport




organization of passenger transport, road transport, population movement, public service, city transport, management relations, foreign experience, construction of route systems, passenger flow, transport routing


One of the areas of public service is the provision of high-quality and timely transportation services to passengers. The organization of passenger transportation by road transport is a set of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for the movement of the population. The social development of the area depends on the correct organization of the city's public passenger transport. The creation of a universal structure of the management system of carriers of various forms of ownership is important for small cities and towns of the urban type, since the majority of the population in such cities use public transport. The ever-increasing mobility of the population in the world, the reformatting of management relations between various branches of social production place increased demands on the construction of route systems, and on the quality of their planning and management. In these conditions, as foreign experience shows, the most important direction of the efficiency of the functioning of passenger transport systems is the scientific and technical justification of their optimal construction. We will comprehensively consider the list of problems of the rational construction of route systems, namely: methods of collecting and processing information about passenger flows, modeling the passenger transport system of cities, as well as methods, models and software for routing passenger transportation.


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How to Cite

Dolia, O., & Dolia, K. (2023). Methods of solving problems related to the organization of passenger transportation by road transport. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(3), 101–119.



Transport and communications, shipbuilding

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