Mathematical formalization of the function of determining the efficiency of passenger transport systems




transport, modeling, passenger transport systems, costs, society


Effective functioning of passenger transport systems is a complex task of our time. A significant number of scientific and scientific-practical publications in modern specialized literature are devoted to the solution of this problem. It is established that contemporaries use mathematical and computer methods of modeling the process of passenger transportation. The approaches proposed by contemporaries are widely covered and provide to determine not only the advantages but also certain disadvantages of the methods and scientific and practical approaches proposed by the authors. The paper proposes an objective function, which has a number of limitations of technical and socio-economic nature. The proposed objective function states that the optimal passenger transport system is one in which the costs of functioning are equal to the optimal costs of passengers to meet their needs for movement. The disclosure of the proposed function is to determine the relation and interconnectedness of the values of certain parameters of the functioning of the mentioned system, which provides an opportunity for further development of the study in terms of modeling a certain process of transportation.


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How to Cite

Dolia, O. (2022). Mathematical formalization of the function of determining the efficiency of passenger transport systems. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(4), 102–113.



Transport and communications, shipbuilding