Analysis and synthesis of classification signs of the means of interaction with external objects and the environment of multipurpose robotic platforms for their further transformation


  • Vasyl Zalypka Department of Automobiles and Automobile Industry / Faculty of Combat Use of Troops, National Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman P. Sahaidachny, Lviv, Ukraine



multipurpose robotic platform, mover, manipulator, end effector, transformation


The article analyzed key documents from the United States and Ukraine about the specifics of the creation and deployment of ground-based robotic complexes of the (GBRC) and it was stated as a military-political key to the integration of new technologies in future projects to ensure the technological advancement of the planned enemy over everything. It is stated that the basis for the development of modern multipurpose robotic platforms (MRP) and GBRC in the whole world is the development of innovative technologies, the concept of piece intelligence (PI). It has been established that during the Russian-Ukrainian war, GBRC, MRP play an important role in protecting the life and health of military servicemen. Therefore, for the high-quality performance of tasks, the leader of his recognition, and also the victory over the enemy, it is necessary for the mother in a sufficient amount and the stench to be guilty of reducing the exploitative powers. It is clear that the transformation of the means of interaction with external objects and the environment (MIEOE) is based on the need to advance the operational powers of the MRP such as: agility, stability, maneuverability and other. Approved idea providing a dual function MIEOE MRP for transformations. It has been established that the transformation of the MIEOE MRP is taken for the shift of the warehouse parts for the production of a uniform form, as it is transferred for the vicination of the appointed plant without wasting the original amount of material (for a reason, except in certain cases). For the future, the most optimal form of MIEOE MRP can be developed using a combination of different materials (hard, flexible, plastic) and using their own modern technologies, using new materials. The classification signs of the MIEOE MRP were analyzed and a new classification was introduced, which will allow me to continue with a proper order to continue their transformation with the method of reducing the operational powers of the MRP.


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How to Cite

Zalypka, V. (2023). Analysis and synthesis of classification signs of the means of interaction with external objects and the environment of multipurpose robotic platforms for their further transformation. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(2), 21–33.