Methods of forecasting freight transportation in logistics
logistics, forecasting, forecasting methods, road freight transportation, volume of transportation, freight trafficAbstract
Transport is an important sector of the country's economy. Transport ensures the movement of goods and passengers, as well as the servicing of enterprises. Modern logistics companies have the ability to transport cargo of various sizes and volumes both within the country and outside its borders. At this stage of society's development, production processes are not possible without transport, as it is necessary to ensure the rhythmic supply of raw materials, components and finished products. The geographical position of Ukraine allows us to note that, to date, the trend of constant growth in the nomenclature of freight road transport is being monitored. It should also be taken into account that the specialization of individual countries and transport and logistics companies in certain types of goods requires optimization of the transportation process. The problem of forecasting cargo transportation is relevant in modern conditions. Making effective management decisions in logistics should be based on the forecasting of road freight transportation. It should be noted that the task of forecasting is relevant for many transport and logistics companies. The rational organization of the transportation process should take into account the forecasting of transportation volumes. Development of an optimal strategy for the development of freight transportation, formation of a tariff policy, selection of the necessary rolling stock, planning of the need for material, financial and labor resources - all this has a great impact on attracting customers. Therefore, the need to forecast the volume of freight transportation in logistics is the main task to ensure the competitiveness of freight road transportation in the transport market. This article is devoted to the analysis of methods that can be used by transport and logistics companies to forecast cargo transportation.
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