Trends in the development of the system of information support for agricultural production in the conditions of guaranteeing food security


  • Vitalii Vakulenko Department of Management named after Professor of Josyp S. Zavadskyi, Department of postgraduate education, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Ukraine
  • Liu Xiaowei Department of Management named after Professor of Josyp S. Zavadskyi, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, Ukraine



information technologies, digitization, agro-industrial complex, unmanned aerial vehicle, agricultural enterprises, farms, ensuring food security


In the article, we considered the main trends in the development of the information support system for agricultural production. The main trends of the Ukrainian agrarian sector and the influence of the war on it, the main technologies used by agricultural enterprises for informatization of their business processes have been studied. As a result, the main levels of technological structure in the agricultural sector were determined and the place of domestic agricultural companies in the degree of application of information technologies was determined. Digitization of the agricultural sector causes the development of a modern system of production and economic relations based on the informatization of production processes, the growth of labor productivity, the preservation of ecology and fertility of soils and other non-renewable resources, the minimization of costs for the production and sale of food in conditions of food security.


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How to Cite

Vakulenko, V., & Xiaowei, L. (2023). Trends in the development of the system of information support for agricultural production in the conditions of guaranteeing food security. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(6), 23–30.

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