Differentiation of the profile distribution of CO2 in soil air and evaluation of the «soil – atmosphere» system's resistance to abiotic impacts





profile distribution, CO2 reserves, system stability, static method, emission, assimilation


The article presents the results of research on the differentiation of the profile distribution of carbon dioxide in soil air and evaluates the stability of the "soil-atmosphere" system to abiotic influences. It is shown that the emission-assimilation activity of the soil should be considered as a single and mutually determining system of the biological cycle of organic carbon in two opposite directions, "soil ↔ atmosphere" and "atmosphere ↔ soil", as an important link in the overall circulation of this element during the production of agricultural products. The coefficient Kref (carbon dioxide replenishment in soil air) and the time of carbon dioxide replenishment (tref) are proposed as criteria for assessing the state of the "soil ↔ atmosphere" system in terms of abiotic influences. These criteria allow evaluating the intensity of air exchange along the profile, depending on depth, moisture content, and carbon dioxide mass values. An important criterion for assessing the stability (dynamism) of the "soil ↔ atmosphere" system is the coefficient of system stability (Stability factor), which is calculated based on empirical equations and represents the ratio between carbon dioxide stocks in the surface layer of air and in soil air (or based on the ratio of concentration values). The dependence of the increase in replenishment time on depth is proven. The regularity is common for all three observation periods, regardless of the time of day, soil moisture level, carbon dioxide reservoir sizes, and surface emissions. Comparison of carbon dioxide replenishment times in different layers of soil air indicates the degree of variability of their mass at the time of the study, which depends on depth, moisture, and the combined effect of environmental factors. It is established that the stability coefficient of carbon dioxide emission from soils depends on the time of day and varies in the range of 0.60-1.33. In this case, the stability of the soil emission system of soddy-medium podzolic sandy loam gleyic soil on fluvio-glacial deposits is almost 6 times higher than the stability of its surface part. Therefore, the evaluation of the emission-assimilation stability of the soil to abiotic impacts and the calculation of the Stability factor are proposed to be conducted within the "soil ↔ atmosphere" system, which will improve its objectivity.


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How to Cite

Trofymenko, P. (2024). Differentiation of the profile distribution of CO2 in soil air and evaluation of the «soil – atmosphere» system’s resistance to abiotic impacts. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(1), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20240301.07

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