An improved method of assessing the stability of heterogeneous military computer networks in conditions of active action of destabilizing factors




stability, survivability, heterogeneous computer network, percolation cluster, local computing network, information and communication systems


The work presents a methodological approach to assessing the stability of heterogeneous computer networks. The method involves the use of modern mathematical models and algorithms for assessing the network's vulnerabilities, simulating its behavior under the influence of various threats, and developing recommendations for increasing its stability. A critically important task for ensuring the security and reliability of the operation of military systems, and especially with the beginning of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, are methods of assessing the stability of heterogeneous computer networks of military purpose in conditions of active enemy action. The proposed method of assessing the stability of heterogeneous military computer networks involves the use of percolation (percolation theory is used as a theoretical basis) algorithms that allow modeling the dynamics of networks under the influence of external threats, such as cyber attacks or physical damage. This provides a more accurate assessment of the resilience of heterogeneous computer networks, which is critical for military operations where rapid adaptation to changing conditions is a must. This approach also allows us to take into account the lack of reliable information about the stability indicators of network components belonging to civilian Internet service providers. In addition, the method includes an analysis of the system's survivability, which allows you to identify vulnerabilities and take measures to eliminate them in a timely manner. This is important for maintaining the continuity of the network, especially in the conditions of hybrid threats, which are characterized by complexity and unpredictability. Computer modeling of the proposed improved method in the mathematical and software support of the military communications management system indicates an increase in the efficiency of the functioning of both the computer network and the communications system as a whole.


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How to Cite

Melnyk, Y. (2024). An improved method of assessing the stability of heterogeneous military computer networks in conditions of active action of destabilizing factors. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(5), 8–17.

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