Prerequisites and influencing factors on the formation of an economic strategy for the implementation of corporate integration processes


  • Minglei Chen Department of Management and Administration, Private Higher Education Institution «Rauf Ablyazov East European University», Cherkasy, Ukraine



corporation, integration processes, business structures, integration associations, economic strategy, corporate entrepreneurship, integration factors, prerequisites for integration


the study is devoted to the identification and analysis of prerequisites and factors affecting the formation of an economic strategy for the implementation of corporate integration processes, in particular, it is aimed at determining the main factors that influence the adoption of strategic decisions regarding corporate integrations, as well as establishing connections between these factors and strategic guidelines integration processes. The obtained results of the study are intended to contribute to the understanding and improvement of the process of economic strategy formation in the context of corporate integration processes. It was determined that corporate entrepreneurship is a complex socio-economic phenomenon, and its basis is the support of the initiative and activity of economic subjects. It is also based on an integration basis, which involves the coordination of various interests and goals of the participants of corporations. The article formulates the definition of the category "integration of corporations" as the processes of entities combining their resources, assets, technologies, factors of production, information, distribution networks, market shares and other values to achieve common goals and satisfy their interests for the period of validity of these goals It was determined that the key generally recognized factors contributing to integration processes at the current stage include: liberalization of trade regimes and direct foreign investments, economic integration at the level of regions and states, activities of the World Trade Organization, expansion of opportunities for cross-border loans and credits, deposits in foreign currency and portfolio investments; introduction of new information technologies that allow companies to manage international production circuits at a distance. A management mechanism for corporate integration processes has been built, which includes the following stages: planning, analysis of implementation methods, evaluation and analysis of strategy options, verification of options and implementation of integration. Various influencing factors at each stage of corporate integration are also determined and substantiated. It has been proven that the implementation of an economic strategy for the implementation of corporate integration processes is a complex and individual process that cannot be reduced to simple schemes or separate opinions of successful managers. A holistic approach and systematic work on each of the stages is necessary to achieve success in strategy implementation. It was determined that, in general, such a strategy is based on several important factors, such as a strategic economic zone (SEZ), a strategic economic center (SEC), as well as methods of concentration and integration of competitive resources. Therefore, the influencing factors on the stages of the management mechanism of corporate integration processes were singled out. Factors and types of integration, as well as incentives and motives for integration were also presented. The prerequisites and relevant strategic orientations of the integration processes were characterized. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that it is important to take into account both factors and prerequisites of the microenvironment and factors of the macroenvironment when forming an economic strategy of corporate integration processes on a global scale. A well-thought-out strategy that takes into account these groups of factors will allow the company to successfully develop and expand in the global business environment.


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How to Cite

Chen, M. (2023). Prerequisites and influencing factors on the formation of an economic strategy for the implementation of corporate integration processes. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(5), 27–44.



Business Economics and Production Management

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