Primary and secondary functions of architecture


  • Karyna Krasnikova Faculty of Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Hanna Kononenko Department of architectural structures,Faculty of Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Mykhaylo Izbash Department of architectural structures,Faculty of Architecture, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kharkiv, Ukraine



architecture, primary and secondary functions, history, object, denotation, connotation, optics, art


architecture is a symbolic system, and each architectural structure performs primary and secondary functions that can be transformed, lost, and restored over time. Many architects and historians pay attention to the analysis of this area, therefore it is appropriate to consider the issue of the scenarios of the evolution of architectural objects and their functions. Modern science and scientific methodology have at their disposal a large arsenal of means of research of private scientific methods. In order to use them to study the functions of historical and architectural research, it is necessary to justify the choice of those methods that, on the one hand, correspond to our object of research, on the other hand - to produce the most effective result of its application. From the range of research methods of means of scientific knowledge, we distinguish complex and systematic types of methodological analysis.


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How to Cite

Krasnikova, K., Kononenko, H., & Izbash, M. (2022). Primary and secondary functions of architecture. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(5), 31–37.

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