Features of the use of color and light in architecture and design, their impact on people





color, light, architecture, design, psychology, perception, space


This work is to reveal the influence, features, application of light and color. The topic is considered as a complex issue, with an overview of the environment, psychological and spiritual problems arising in different layers of society, decorative-artistic and practical functions, as well as tools and methods for their development and implementation. Color and light are considered factors that cause an emotional response in a person, creating the right, planned atmosphere. The relevance of the article lies in the announcement of the topic of the use of color and light, which would satisfy the requirements of modern man. In the existing world situation, in which psychological and spiritual problems arise in various layers of society, most of the problems are the result of environmental influences that cause an intellectual vision of a certain pattern. It is necessary to create a calm and happy atmosphere by using the right colors and their lighting effects. Color affects the visual perception of room dimensions, affects a person's mood, his feelings. This study examines the environment in which lighting and color must meet social requirements.


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How to Cite

Tarasova, K., Kononenko, H., & Yantovska, O. (2022). Features of the use of color and light in architecture and design, their impact on people. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(5), 23–30. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20220105.04