Spatial-like continuum and gravitational waves. Part 2. Earth as an antenna of gravitational waves of the Universe




Gravitational waves, the Universe, clusters of galaxies, groups of stars, inhomogeneous waves, Earth, tectogenesis, cycles of Stille, Wilson, spatial continuum


It is substantiated that the cyclicity in the layering of the sedimentary stratum of the Earth's crust, which is measured in millions, tens of millions and hundreds of millions of the years, is due to the influence of heterogeneous gravitational waves of the universe. The reason is that the rate of immersion of sedimentary basins into the Earth's crust and mantle is determined, among other factors, by the total value of the potential of gravitational waves. Thus, the Earth can be considered as a gravitational antenna, and its sedimentary stratum as a kind of "tape recorder" on which the temporal changes of the gravitational potential at the point of the universe where the Earth is located are recorded and stored. A comparison of known time periods of tectonic cyclicity (Stille, Wilson, and others) with spatial periods of the discrete structure of the universe (galaxies, groups of galaxies, clusters of groups of galaxies, etc.) was made. It is shown that the 11-year cycle of changes in solar activity (stellar cycle), as well as the 22-year change in the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field, are related to the average distance (7.84 light years) between the stars of the local group of stars of the Galaxy. And, on the contrary, according to the 11-year solar cycle, it can be predicted that the average distance between the stars of the local group of stars in our Galaxy is equal to 7.84 light years. Using the example of tectonic (T) phases in the Pliocene time, it is shown that there is a relationship between the average period of T-phases (1.24 million years) and the average value of the distance (0.88 million light years) between galaxies of the local group of galaxies. This is evidenced by the frequency of changes in paleomagnetic epochs in the Pliocene, and the average length of a stage (layer) in the Phanerozoic (2.48 million years). From which it was concluded that cyclicity with a period of 1.24 million years (galactic) is characteristic not only for the Pliocene, but also for the entire Paleozoic-Cenozoic history of the Earth's development. Conversely, the value of the average period of T-phases, equal to approximately 1.24 million years in Paleozoic-Cenozoic time, suggests that the average value of the distance between galaxies of the local group of galaxies is approximately 0.88 million light years. The connection with the average distance between groups of galaxies (10.6 million light-years) is substantiated using the example of the sequence of T-phases in the Carboniferous-Miocene time with an average period of 15 million years (the Stille or metagalactic cycle). Like the 1.24 million year cycle, the 15 million year cycle is characteristic of the entire tectonic history of the Earth in the Phanerozoic. And the opposite conclusion: a tectonic cycle with a period of 15 million years may indicate that the average distance between groups of galaxies is 10.6 million light years. It is also substantiated that the average periodicity of the opening-closing of oceanic systems (Paleotethys, Tethys, modern) in the Phanerozoic with a value of ~ 400 million years (Wilson cycle) is related to the spatial period between local clusters (superclusters) of galaxies with a value of about 90 megaparsecs of light years Accordingly, the modern value of the distance between galaxy clusters is 421 million light years.


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How to Cite

Karpenko, I. (2023). Spatial-like continuum and gravitational waves. Part 2. Earth as an antenna of gravitational waves of the Universe. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(1), 30–48.

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