Agrobiotechnological method of obtaining plants decoctions to reduce the number of bunch leaf beetle in the Carpathian region


  • Maria Fedelesh-Gladinets Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed Production prof. M.O. Zelensky, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Maxim Nahornyi National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Alina Turovnik National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



agrobiocenoses, vineyards, bunchy leaf miner, infusions and decoctions of plants, plant raw materials, biologically active substances, phytophages, Trichogramma dendrolimi nets, pests, dendrobacillin 60


At all stages of crop cultivation, important tasks related to the development of effective measures to protect against the most dangerous pests were successfully solved. The efficiency of insecticide application was theoretically substantiated. A set of scientific researches was carried out to improve environmentally friendly methods of crop protection. The aspects of the use of decoctions of plants and microbiological preparations for the protection of vineyards from the most common pests are presented. It was also established that the decoction of tomatoes and potato tops does not negatively affect the predators and parasites of the bunch leaf beetle. It was studied that the decoction of plants provoked pathogens, especially bacterial, which are in a latent state. When applying a mixture of dendrobacillin 60, caterpillars were pupated from which butterflies did not revive. The results of the death of caterpillars of three generations when using 15 plants, which showed different degrees of effectiveness of decoctions of plants from bunch leafminer in industrial vineyards of the Carpathian region are presented


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How to Cite

Fedelesh-Gladinets, M., Nahornyi, M., & Turovnik , A. (2023). Agrobiotechnological method of obtaining plants decoctions to reduce the number of bunch leaf beetle in the Carpathian region. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(1), 49–56.

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