Overview of Modern Leak Detection Methods for Pipelines
Leakage Control, Pipeline, Technical Condition, Methods of Leakage Control, Signal ProcessingAbstract
The control of leaks in pipelines remains a significant issue in pipeline transportation. Despite numerous efforts in this direction, the statistics of accidents occurring on gas, oil, and product pipelines are alarming. Existing leak detection methods and systems are either costly to implement or lack sufficient sensitivity to detect potential leaks, especially "small" ones. The primary criteria for selecting a method and, consequently, the system implementing it, include the pipeline material, accessibility, the ability to monitor the pipeline's condition, and leak localization accuracy. This paper presents an analysis of the current state of leak detection methods and the systems implementing them. Popular leak detection systems often combine multiple control methods to improve the accuracy of the control results, such as the PipePatrol leak detection system, which integrates real-time dynamic modeling technology (mass balance leak detection method) with a patented leak pattern recognition module. However, such an approach is not universal, especially when there are changes in transportation conditions accompanied by local pressure and flow rate changes. Promising leak detection methods that are independent of the transported substance include acoustic monitoring methods, which involve creating test acoustic waves in the transported medium and recording reflected waves from pipeline irregularities. The characteristics of the most common methods and systems are provided, along with their limitations in usage. A promising direction for further research is identified, focusing on ensuring effective pipeline condition monitoring by expanding the informative components of diagnostic signals in the acoustic leak detection method from pipelines.References
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