Objective assessment of the quality of aquatic oligochaetes Tubifex tubifex for effective fish feeding





live feed, quality, aquatic oligochaetes, device for analysis, mechanogram


This article describes a device that can objectively assess the condition and quality of live feed for fish – the oligochaetes Tubifex tubifex. Its characteristics device and the order of use are given. As it became clear in the course of the experiment with ball of worms, the best parameter of the intensity of movements and quality as live food can be the energy for lifting the external mass load (weight), applied to the ball of oligochaetes worms. The greatest amplitude of mechanograms is ensured of oligochaetes without additional pressure on the worms ball and it amounts to 5 mm. The spent energy of the worms increases to a value pressure of 3–5 g per ball of worms (up to 6·10–6 J). But in the further of increasing external pressure the story are changes. The external in 10 grams or more pressure of fully suppresses the activity of the mechanical work of oligochaetes and amplitude of mechanogram is tends to zero. The mechanogram of ball compression and lifting can reflect the general condition and "health" of each unit of ball oligochaetes and allows to evaluate the average power of each live worms unit. It was revealed that poor-quality maintenance of tubifex worms led to their weakening and a decrease in muscle functions. You can say that the described device for analyzing the state of aquatic oligochaetes makes it possible to objectively assess the functional and physiological state of wather worms. The data provided mechanogram values can provide an understanding of the possibility of keeping live food, the presence of changes in the number of dead organisms in the ball of worms, and taking measures to disinfect the food or its timely disposal.


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How to Cite

Shugurov, O. (2024). Objective assessment of the quality of aquatic oligochaetes Tubifex tubifex for effective fish feeding. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(3), 82–91. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjea.20240303.08

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