Prospective directions for ensuring the reliability of radio-electronic means




radio-electronic means, evaluation of the values of reliability indicators, taking into account the peculiarities of construction and operation


In the article, based on the analysis of modern scientific publications, promising directions for ensuring the reliability of promising programmable radio electronic devices are established and investigated. For the first time, the possibility of the appearance and accumulation of hidden defects in multi-mode objects, as well as during their short-term storage, is considered. Diagnostics of analog and digital parts of the product during current repair is comprehensively taken into account. The procedure for ensuring the required values of the reliability indicators of modern radio-electronic devices both during design and during operation, taking into account the possibility of the appearance and accumulation of hidden defects, has been formalized. Also, for the first time, the procedure for estimating the average recovery time of products after short-term storage has been formalized. The obtained scientific research has been brought to the possibility of practical use with the application of information technologies.


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How to Cite

Glukhov, S., Sakovych, L., & Babii, O. (2024). Prospective directions for ensuring the reliability of radio-electronic means. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(4), 86–96.

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