Modern running system of management of agricultural machinery


  • Sergiі Hrushetskyі Department of Agricultural Engineering and Systems Engineering named after Mykhailo Samokysh, Institution of Higher Education "Podilskyi State University", Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
  • Serhii Oleksiyko Department of Tractors, Automobiles and Power Equipment, Higher Education Institution "Podilskyi State University", Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
  • Maxim Tykhy Department of Agricultural Engineering and System Engineering named after Mykhailo Samokysh, Institute of Higher Education "Podilskyi State University", m. Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine



running system, control, agricultural machinery, intelligent systems, automation, hydraulic systems, GPS navigation, precision farming, adaptive suspensions, traction forces, performance, fuel economy, component wear, maneuverability, innovative technologies


Modern control systems for running parts of agricultural machinery play an important role in increasing the efficiency and reliability of the machines. Innovative approaches to the design and implementation of electronic and hydraulic systems allow for precise regulation of the operation of wheel and track systems, reducing fuel consumption, reducing wear of components and increasing the maneuverability of equipment in difficult areas of the field. Modern trends in the industry include the use of automated control systems that integrate GPS navigation, feedback sensors and intelligent algorithms that allow optimizing the movement of equipment. This provides improved precision in tillage, reduced fuel consumption and increased productivity. Systems used in modern agricultural machines also include adaptive suspensions, traction control and automatic speed adjustment, which increase driver comfort and safety, reduce stress on components and allow for work on more difficult and uneven terrain. The implementation of such technologies is an important step towards the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, reducing the negative impact on the environment and increasing the overall efficiency of agricultural work.


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How to Cite

Hrushetskyі S., Oleksiyko, S., & Tykhy, M. (2024). Modern running system of management of agricultural machinery. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(6), 61–74.

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