Study of design characteristics and parameters of separating slides of potato harvesting machines


  • Sergiі Hrushetskyі Department of Agricultural Engineering and Systems Engineering named after Mykhailo Samokysh, Institution of Higher Education "Podilskyi State University", Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine
  • Maxim Havrylyuk Department of Agricultural Engineering and Systems Engineering named after Mykhailo Samokysh, Institution of Higher Education "Podilskyi State University", Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine



separating slides, potato harvesters, structural characteristics, parameters, separation, efficiency, technological process, mining equipment, mechanical processing, optimization, materials, fractional composition, particle size, purification, energy costs, productivity


The study of design characteristics and parameters of separating slides is an important stage in the improvement of technological processes related to the sorting of materials and cleaning from impurities. Separator slides are used in various industries, including mining, food, chemical and other industries to efficiently separate different fractions of materials based on their physical properties such as particle size, shape and density. The design of the separating slides is of great importance to ensure stable operation of the equipment and high efficiency of the separation process. One of the main structural elements are inclined or horizontal surfaces that help ensure the movement of material under the influence of gravity. Important parameters are the angle of inclination of the surface, the length of the slide, the speed of movement of the material and the amount of the processed flow. Parameters such as particle size, density and moisture content of the material also significantly affect the efficiency of the separator. In the process of researching the design features of separating slides, it is important to determine the optimal geometric parameters that ensure maximum efficiency of separation with minimal energy costs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the materials from which the slides are made, since their wear resistance and durability directly affect the operational characteristics of the equipment. Thanks to the analysis of the parameters and design features of the separating slides, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of the products obtained in the processing process, as well as to increase the economic efficiency of the production processes. The introduction of innovative solutions in the design of slides allows to reduce energy costs, increase throughput and improve the technical characteristics of separators. This, in turn, contributes to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the relevant industries. The study of design characteristics and parameters of separating slides is an important step on the way to improving existing technological solutions and developing new, more effective separation methods.


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How to Cite

Hrushetskyі S., & Havrylyuk, M. (2025). Study of design characteristics and parameters of separating slides of potato harvesting machines. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 4(1), 30–42.

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