Fundraising potential due to the company's active marketing policy




fundraising, marketing strategy, marketing potential, commercial project, socially responsible enterprise, investor


The article provides an interpretation of the concept of "fundraising" (fundraising, fundraising, fundraising) - the process of attracting external, extraneous resources for the company, necessary for the implementation of any task, project implementation or for the purpose of activity in general. Fundraising, in a broad sense, is a method of finding sources of funding and resources (material or non-material resources, such as, for example, human, informational, financial, legal, marketing, and others; the process of attracting external resources in the form of fundraising is considered) to ensure the operation of the enterprise , necessary for the implementation of a commercial project for socially responsible enterprises. The relationship between the effectiveness of the marketing policy and strategy for promoting the project of a socially responsible enterprise on the market and its fundraising collection of funds and other material values, which affects the amount of assistance provided to a specific enterprise, is determined. The process of creating a promotion strategy for business projects, which includes specific and gradual stages, is analyzed. It was determined that before launching the marketing component of the project, it is necessary to create a system for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing for existing and potential investors, which is the most expensive part, but the most effective for attracting additional resources. This study shows that in order to achieve a positive result of the fundraising activity of the project at a socially responsible enterprise, it is necessary to conduct a powerful marketing campaign, as well as, in general, a carefully planned, organizationally ordered, phased work, in the process of which it is important to justify the relevance, uniqueness and value of the implementation of the proposed proposals, having instead met the needs of investors (patrons, donors, sponsors, others) and establish fruitful cooperation with them for the future. On the basis of the latest researches and publications, the issues related to the majority of socially responsible enterprises of the country, which do not use the tool of marketing policy, strategies to promote their own projects, and therefore do not realize their fundraising potential in full, have been identified.


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How to Cite

Zaika, Y. (2022). Fundraising potential due to the company’s active marketing policy. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 1(4), 26–33.

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