Sequence of stages of implementation of corporate integration processes
corporate integration, integration processes, merger and acquisition agreements, efficiency of integration, stages of implementation of corporate integration, joint stock company, industrial enterpriseAbstract
The study analyzed and determined the sequence of stages of implementation of corporate integration for industrial enterprises. In particular, the author created a model of the sequence of stages of implementation of corporate integration. This model contains general stages of corporate integration of industrial enterprises, such as: analysis and evaluation; planning and strategy; coordination of processes; technological integration; organizational integration; monitoring and evaluation/adjustment. Also, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, the process of integration transformations was supplemented with additional stages: communication and involvement of interested parties; change management; monitoring and evaluation of the post-integration stage; optimization of the integrated system. Additional stages during integration were highlighted and substantiated, such as a technological stage, a qualitative analysis within the framework of the verification of alternatives obtained after a quantitative assessment, and a stage of supporting integration processes. Therefore, the author's model of successive stages of the implementation of corporate integration of industrial enterprises was formed, which consists of traditional and special stages that are interconnected with each other. After defining the stages of implementation of integration, the most common options for integration methods in the implementation of mergers and acquisitions were considered and their division was carried out based on the procedures used in the world. A classification of integration methods is proposed, which is built taking into account the forms of consistency of the process, the selection of methods that are unique for each method.References
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