Methodology of establishing communications with corporate consumers in the construction materials market




strategy, profit, construction organization, sales strategy, communications, sales department, market analysis, manager


Modern world dictates its own conditions, and every entrepreneur must master the art of sales strategy, not only master it but also win the battle for profits and market share. Today, strategy is a long-term action plan aimed at achieving an enterprise’s global goals. Prior to forming a detailed by-element sales strategy, special attention must be paid to personnel policy because a large part of the success depends on a manager`s individual professional qualities, expertise, communication skills, knowledge, and practice in implementing sales techniques, etc. The authors explore the influence of various channels on the organization's sales volume and suggest basic tasks to form a “direct” selling strategy. The significance of a manager’s individual qualities as a mandatory prerequisite for the creation of a successful sales strategy has been established. Special attention is paid to the most effective sources of gathering information about construction objects of various types, which, in turn, allows constant monitoring of the sequence of works, acquisition of proper paperwork from the developer, determining constructional features of a building, and figure out construction technologies used on the object. Such an approach allows for reducing significantly the time spent on the preliminary stage of the sales – search, collection, and structuring information about the potential clients. An analysis of the received data on the implemented strategy was carried out, including all the mentioned components, which allowed, firstly, to cover the entire ground without losing the opportunity of the “touch” with every potential client and, secondly, to be fully prepared for the meeting with the client, which will be a solid foundation for sales techniques. On the basis of the received data, the effectiveness of the considered strategy and the sales department as a whole is evaluated. As a result, the most effective algorithm for materials sales in the construction market is suggested.


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How to Cite

Oklander, T., & Shcherbyna, O. (2022). Methodology of establishing communications with corporate consumers in the construction materials market. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 1(5), 26–36.



Business Economics and Production Management