Economic security in the conditions of martial law as a factor in the formation of the youth labor market
labor market, economic security, youth unemployment, martial law, population employmentAbstract
The article is devoted to researching the problems of the youth labor market during the period of martial law and post-war reconstruction of the country and outlines the impact of negative trends in the labor market on economic security. The current situation on the labor market in the conditions of war is analyzed, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of employment and an increase in the level of unemployment, which is especially acute for young people. The main reasons for the imbalance between the demand and supply of young people in the labor market, which affects the economic development of the country, have been identified. Attention is focused on the needs of young people related to the sphere of professional self-determination and their level of readiness for active changes. The issue of the dynamics of the number and specific weight of unemployed youth by age group is analyzed during the period of high economic and social tension, which negatively affected and intensified as the level of economic activity and employment decreased during the period under study. The main aspects that regulate the economic well-being of young people are highlighted and the value orientations of safety in the youth labor market are defined. The factors that are the benchmarks of well-being for the majority of young people are revealed, and the components that hinder young people when looking for a job are identified. In addition, it has been studied that the longer the hostilities continue, the more young people emigrate to European countries for education, which creates an imbalance in the formation of the national youth labor market and has a significant impact on the economic development of the country. It was found that, despite the military actions, the youth labor market began the process of stabilization, demonstrating its adaptability to the needs and current conditions and will have a positive impact on economic security.References
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