Development of economy of Ukraine economy under conditions of military operations




innovations, innovative model of economic development, managerial innovation, enterprise


The important indicator of socio-economic development of each country is the level of public welfare. At the same time, the level of decline in the life of various categories of citizens leads to the aggravation of the social needs of society, demanding a quick solution. It is not always possible to meet these needs at the state or municipal level in a short time, which is due to limited funds, multi-level and bureaucratic system, lack of initiative of citizens.

Interest in innovation is relevant today due to the crisis phenomena in the economy of Ukraine due to the global crisis in the world due to the pandemic and military actions on the territory of the country. The development of mechanisms for stimulating individuality in the process of public sector development is an effective means of increasing the social satisfaction of the population.

The ineffective national innovation system of Ukraine, as a result of hostilities on the territory of the state, the loss of part of the territory as a result of the occupation of the Russian Federation, a number of restrictions on the purchase of military equipment, the lack of sufficient funding for science and other reasons, the increase in the price of goods and services, material and technical problems, the destruction of the transport infrastructure affected on the state and further development of industrial enterprises, led to the redistribution of shares of industries in the structure of GDP, a significant reduction in production volumes and chaotic structuring of the economy, such a high-tech, innovative one, as a result - loss of foreign and Ukrainian sales markets, mass reduction of employees and jobs, migration of high equal. skilled workers in the decline of industrial enterprises, which were once the flagships of the state's economy.

Starting from 2000, the functioning of enterprises takes place in conditions that are constantly complicated by the deepening of crisis phenomena in the economy of Ukraine, the strengthening of competition due to global globalization processes, the worldwide pandemic and military actions in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Hryhorian, O. (2023). Development of economy of Ukraine economy under conditions of military operations. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(1), 1–8.

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