Corporate partnership as a form of implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the company
corporate partnership, motivation, continuous improvementAbstract
Corporate partnership is considered as a key and integral factor affecting the success of the implementation of sustainable development of an industrial enterprise, because thanks to sufficiently motivated and educated employees, companies can better meet the expectations of consumers. In this case, we can think about the implementation and development of corporate partnerships, using the coherence between the needs of the company and the needs of employees through the effective implementation of motivation. Partnership primarily requires not only flexible, strong and continuous relations, which is a key factor for profitable cooperation, but also a constant connection of know-how, competence of both partners, successful motivation and search for new partners to gain a competitive advantage over other companies. Therefore, this article reveals an innovative approach to the development of corporate partnership using elements of the principles of sustainable development. In addition, the article analyzes the regularity between the understanding of one's own influence on the development of the company and the need to change the principles of financial motivation of employees.
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