State financial control at the current stage: a review of conceptual foundations


  • Anastasia Kolpakova Faculty of management, accounting and information technologies, Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Ukraine



control, resources, finance, state control, state management, financial relations, state financial control


The article examines the essence of state financial control and its importance in the system of state finance management. The content of the main elements of state financial control, its key principles and methods of implementation is revealed. The factors and grounds for conducting state financial control, the need for the control function of financial management are determined. The procedure for regulatory regulation and coordination of issues of state financial control in today's conditions, taking into account the state of war in the country, has also been established. The main tasks of financial control in the state administration system are analyzed. The essence of forms of control is also revealed: previous, current and subsequent state financial control. The concept of the effectiveness of financial control and parameters of its assessment is also substantiated. Based on this, the procedure for choosing criteria for the effectiveness of state financial control is described. The goals of state financial control in the broad sense and in the narrow sense are also analyzed. Based on the direction and goals of state financial control, its place in the totality of financial relations is established. Provisions were established regarding the receipt of data for the results of financial control and the formulation of relevant conclusions for the results of its implementation. The degrees of effectiveness of financial control are determined. In accordance with the identified conceptual provisions of the state financial control, the safety nets and the main factors of the implementation of the financial control mechanism in modern conditions are determined.The procedure for obtaining high efficiency of the financial control field in terms of establishing clear responsibility for the procedures of distribution and control of financial resources has been revealed. The main principles of the strategy for reforming the state finance management system for 2022–2025 and the corresponding plan of measures for its implementation in the direction of external financial control are also presented. The importance of state financial control in modern conditions is emphasized and recommendations are provided for the prevention and prevention of financial violations, assistance in achieving rationality and economy in the use of state financial resources.


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How to Cite

Kolpakova, A. (2023). State financial control at the current stage: a review of conceptual foundations. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(1), 9–18.

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