Administrative management: motivation as an effective personnel management tool




motivation, labor personnel, administrative management, final result, motivational management, collective motivation, individual motivation, internal motivation, external motivation, work efficiency


In connection with the development of the market system of management, technological and scientific and technical progress, enterprises have to operate in a competitive environment, expand the sphere of activity, introduce innovative measures, master a new type of economic activity. All of these actions lead to an increase in the quality of personnel, their efficiency and productivity. One of the effective methods of stimulating labor personnel to increase qualitative and quantitative indicators of work is motivation. In this regard, the article is devoted to the study of the issue of personnel motivation as one of the effective functions of administrative management. The presented study analyzes the works of scientists who studied the problems of motivation of labor personnel. Given its own terminological vision, the concept of personnel motivation is one of the most important levers of influence on the workforce, which manifests itself in various forms and significantly affects work efficiency and the final result. Attention is focused on the direction of motivational measures - collective, individual. The main factors that should be considered when choosing them are revealed. The cases of using one or another direction were analyzed, their differences, effectiveness of application and impact on the final result were emphasized. The analysis of various types, forms, methods of motivational measures, the expediency of their use, efficiency and effectiveness was carried out. The differences between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are emphasized. The peculiarities of internal motivation are revealed, its main examples are achievements, personal growth, recognition, social motivation.


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How to Cite

Vintoniak, A. (2023). Administrative management: motivation as an effective personnel management tool. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(2), 133–139.

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