

competition, international competitiveness of a wine enterprise, model of five forces of competition, world market of wine products, competitive advantages, methods of assessing the enterprises’s international competitiveness


Competitiveness is a determining factor in the survival, stabilization and development of industries, as well as their individual industries, sub-industries and enterprises. In European and world markets, national and sectoral competitiveness focuses on the performance of enterprises and individual industries, on the one hand, and the competitiveness of enterprises and similar industries, on the other. Thus, in the modern conditions of international integration, innovative development, the international competitiveness of the enterprise acquires special significance. Today's economy defines specific requirements for increasing the level of enterprises competitiveness, rapid response to changes in the economic situation in order to support sustainable development, strengthen financial stability, continuous improvement of internal business processes in accordance with changing market conditions. The wine industry is an important area of  economic development in Ukraine and Odessa region. For the successful development of the viticulture and winemaking complex in Ukraine and in the region there are favorable soil and climatic conditions and sufficient provision of labor and other resources. However, today the stable and efficient operation of wineries is hampered by a number of problems, including the general crisis of the country's economy, insecurity of domestic producers, lack of proper state support, military aggression and blockade of seaports in Odessa region. In this regard, the problem of increasing the international competitiveness of products and enterprises in general is of particular importance in the management system of enterprises in the wine industry. The tool for solving strategic tasks of increasing the international competitiveness of wineries is a comprehensive approach to developing and building a model of competitiveness of enterprises and products of the wine industry, the development of an effective mechanism for managing their competitiveness. The paper considers the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the winery’s international competitiveness. Factors influencing the winery’s international competitiveness are studied and the methods of assessing the winery’s international competitiveness are systematized.


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How to Cite

Husenko, O. (2022). THE RESEARCH OF THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF WINERY ENTERPRISES’S INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 1(3), 76–100. Retrieved from

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