Eastern European Experience in the Application of Multilayer Reinforced Concrete Elements of External Wall Fencing



three-layer reinforced concrete wall panels of fencing, effective thermal insulator, flexible steel ties


The capital building field is constantly updating the tasks: to reduce material consumption, cost and complexity of building, the mass of buildings and structures; significantly improve thermal protection; to increase the level of industrialization of building and factory readiness of prefabricated constructions; to improve the architectural and operational qualities of buildings and structures. Practical realization of the set tasks entails the the necessity to expand the use effective kinds of building materials and constructions, improving their properties. The field of effective three-layer constructions in civil, industrial and agricultural building is wide and multifaceted, as it covers almost all constructive elements of buildings, the solution of which depends on the functional requirements imposed on buildings and structures, local climatic and geological conditions, availability of building materials, level of development industrial base, etc. Already behind the idea itself of layered reinforced concrete constructiones have significant advantages: 1) the ability to select the materials of the layers taking into account the effective use of their main functional qualities; 2) reducing the cost and outlay of cement; 3) weight reduction of separate constructions and buildings and/or structures as a whole; 4) reducing heat consumption and increasing heat transfer resistance without thickening the construction; 5) improving the temperature-humidity regime in the room, etc. The purpose of this article is to perform a brief overview of research, proposals for standardization of design developments conducted during the most active implementation in Eastern European building practice of three-layer reinforced concrete constructions for fencing by the heat, air and waterproofing properties, strength, deformations and crack resistance, as well as their manufacturing technology. The article takes into account the results of research, field observations, materials for the development of new proposals, accumulated in many research and design departments of Eastern Europe in the period from the late 60’s to mid-80’s of the 20th century (Research Institute of Building Constructions, Kyiv Zonal Research Institute of Experimental Design, Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Civil Rural Construction (Ukraine); Central Research Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A. Kucherenko, All-Union Research Institute of Fire Safety, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Reinforced Concrete, Central Research and Design Institute of Residential and Public Buildings, Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures, Central Research Institute of Experimental Design of Commercial and Domestic Buildings and Tourist Complexes (Russia), etc.).


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Krus Yu. Western European Experience in the Application of Multilayer Reinforced Concrete Elements of External Wall Fence // Multidisciplinary academic notes. Theory, methodology and practice : Proceedings of the ХVII International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 03–06, 2022). Tokyo, Japan. Pp. 53-63. DOI: 10.46299/ISG.2022.1.17



How to Cite

Krus, Y. (2022). Eastern European Experience in the Application of Multilayer Reinforced Concrete Elements of External Wall Fencing. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(2), 9–22. Retrieved from https://isg-journal.com/isjea/article/view/2

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