Study of adsorbent from plant waste and nanotubes for oil refination




adsorbent, sonyashnikova oliya, kharchovy products, benzpyrene. nanosorbent


The domestic industry produces more than 50 types of vegetable oils, differing in fatty acid composition, the amount of related substances, the degree of purification, and organoleptic properties. Ukraine ranks first in the production of solar oil, but its export to some countries is prohibited due to an increase in the benzapyrene content. Only in 2010, DSTU4492:2005 was changed to sunflower oil, so Ukrainian producers must now comply with the norms of no more than 2 µg/kg, the same norm for the content of benzopyrene in Europe.  Benzopyrene is a chemical speech, a representative of the genus of carbohydrates, speech of the first class of insecurity - carcinogens. The presence of benzapirene is a burning problem of sonyashnikov's oil, as well as yoga-based products. Properly chosen purification technology, including the use of special adsorbents and filtering materials, allows practically to remove the carcinogen from the olії. The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of the adsorbent, which ensured the best possible stage for the production of peroxide compounds and benzpyrene from sonyashnikova olії.. The efficiency of adsorption purification is determined by the choice of an adsorbent, which in Ukraine is not enough to such an extent, to which the robot is assigned to the adsorbent on the basis of the inputs of the processing of the most common dormouse - yoga husk. Syrovina z vіdkhodіv go through as i nanotubes the stage of pyrolysis. The carbonaceous product was added to the quality of the adsorbent to increase the quality of the oil.


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How to Cite

Krichkovskaya, L., Elnaggar, E., Dubonosov, V., Bliznyuk, O., & Gritsaenko, Y. (2023). Study of adsorbent from plant waste and nanotubes for oil refination. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 2(2), 117–124.

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