Analysis of modern elements of the diagnostic system for oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant based on the results of process media properties control




oil-filled equipment, diagnostic system, technical condition, defect, prognostication, technological environment, nuclear power plant


An urgent problem is the continuous improvement of existing methods for diagnosing oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant, which is due to the continuous improvement and modernisation of this equipment and significant material and economic costs in ensuring its safe and reliable operation. Important scientific and practical tasks of operation of oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant include research and implementation of promising elements of the system for diagnosing oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant based on the results of controlling the properties of samples of process media taken from this equipment. The aim of the study is to analyse the existing elements of the system for diagnosing oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant based on the results of controlling the properties of samples of technological media to ensure the processes of improving the reliability of technical diagnostics of this equipment. On the basis of the process approach, typical existing elements of diagnostic systems for oil-filled power plant equipment have been identified, including the results of controlling the properties of technological media to ensure processes for improving the reliability of technical diagnostics of this equipment. Recommendations are given on the application of: a process approach to diagnosing oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant during the operation of technological media in it with the determination of quality indicators of these technological media during the functioning of individual elements of the system for diagnosing oil-filled equipment in the structure of a nuclear power plant; additional methods for determining the quality indicators of technological media of oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant for diagnosing this equipment. Further research prospects are to identify and apply, on the basis of a process approach, promising optimal methods for diagnosing oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant and the principles of functioning of elements of such diagnostic systems, taking into account the states of technological media during their operation in this equipment.


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How to Cite

Zaitsev, S., & Maznik, M. (2025). Analysis of modern elements of the diagnostic system for oil-filled equipment of a nuclear power plant based on the results of process media properties control. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 4(1), 66–78.

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