Theoretical basis of the development of a strategy for sustainable development of agriculture




strategy, sustainable development, agrarian sustainability, management, economy, environmental aspects, social assessment


The article provides an answer to the topical and discussed scientific and practical question at the current stage of agricultural development "what is the sustainability of agriculture"? An overview of the formation of the modern concept of sustainable development was made. The main dimensions of the essence of sustainable development are indicated - ecological, social and economic. It is noted that the key role is given to the ecological aspect. The article also states that more and more attention has recently been paid to the institutional (management) component. The global goals of sustainable development until 2030 are analyzed. Among them, the goals of sustainable development related to agriculture are singled out. It was determined that the sustainability of agriculture can be considered as: competitive ecological production, the institutional basis of which guarantees food security and well-being of current and future generations. The four main directions of sustainable development are economic, ecological, social and administrative (institutional), taking into account the "time" factor. The contradiction between competitive agriculture and ecological agriculture is considered, since the latter has a lower economic effect compared to conventional production. it is stated that the task of sustainable development is to guarantee the economic viability of ecologically clean agriculture that protects natural resources and the environment through the joint use of innovative technological solutions, on the one hand, and state policy, on the other.the definition of ecological production is given, which is not the complete restoration and return of ecosystems to the state of many years ago, but their restoration and maintenance in accordance with the set goals, which are determined by the search for a balance between the preservation of natural resources for future generations and the need to meet the food needs of the growing global population.


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How to Cite

Garkavyi, V. (2023). Theoretical basis of the development of a strategy for sustainable development of agriculture. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(4), 56–64.



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