The Significance and Future Development Prospects of the FinTech Sector in Ukraine




Fin-Tech, investment, Financing of FinTech Projects, Economy of Ukraine, start-up


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of the FinTech industry in Ukraine. Special attention is given to the issues of investment attraction and its effective utilization, which are crucial factors for stabilizing and growing the country's economy. The paper highlights that investments in cutting-edge technologies, particularly in the FinTech sector, should become the foundation for sustainable growth in the face of modern challenges such as digitalization and integration into global financial markets. At the micro level, financial investments are a key tool for enhancing the competitiveness of individual companies as well as the national financial sector as a whole. The article analyzes key trends shaping the FinTech investment landscape, including the impact of global technological innovations, regulatory changes, and the macroeconomic environment. The distinctive features of successful Ukrainian FinTech projects, such as Monobank and EasyPay, which have achieved significant success on the international stage, are identified. The article also addresses the challenges faced by FinTech companies in Ukraine, including bureaucratic obstacles, instability in energy and internet infrastructure, regulatory issues, and limited access to financing. Solutions to overcome these challenges are proposed, including improvements in legislative regulation, creating favorable investment conditions, and fostering cooperation between the public and private sectors. The article explores innovative solutions for the further development of infrastructure and financial technologies that can contribute to increasing financial inclusion and accessibility for various social groups. This article will be of interest to investors, regulators, FinTech entrepreneurs, startups, and anyone interested in financial technologies and their impact on the development of Ukraine's economy.


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How to Cite

Pivniak, Y., & Grebeniuk, N. (2024). The Significance and Future Development Prospects of the FinTech Sector in Ukraine. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(6), 34–44.

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