Analysis of modern scientific approaches to calculating the number of passengers on air transport




passenger flow, air transport, modelling, passenger transport systems


The article reveals the state of modern scientific opinion on the issue of calculating the number of passengers on air transport. The research is of a review nature, the task of which is to define and evaluate methods for solving transport problems. To achieve the task, scientific publications included in the Scopus scientometrics database were used. Relevant scientific approaches to determining the parameters of passenger flow on air transport are studied in the section of the selection and use of methods for calculating the relevant parameters. The author's opinion on the issue of justification of the choice of the method used by the authors and the assessment of the adequacy of the methods proposed by the authors are highlighted. In the work, the method of system analysis was used in solving the task of conducting a study of the state of modern scientific opinion on the selection of methods for calculating passenger traffic on the aviation mode of transport.


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How to Cite

Dolia, O. (2022). Analysis of modern scientific approaches to calculating the number of passengers on air transport. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(3), 247–272.



Transport and communications, shipbuilding

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