Measurement of the impedance of biological tissues and other environments using the evaluation board EVAL AD5933EBZ


  • Viktor Nikitin Department of Biomedical Cybernetics National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Anrii Dubko Department of Welding and Related Technologies in Medicine and Ecology E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute; Department of Biomedical Engineering National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine



impedance spectroscopy, integrated microcircuit AD5933, evaluation board EVAL-AD5933EBZ, frequency range, microcontroller, software, graphical user interface, calibration, biological tissues


Analysis and measurement of electrophysical properties of biological materials, liquids and suspensions is an important applied task for almost all fields of medicine, chemistry, pharmacy, physics and other fields that require research into the properties and structure of matter. The modern electronic component base allows you to create miniature devices and measuring systems for the analysis of electric circuits, such is the specialized integrated microcircuit AD5933. This microcircuit is an integral converter of the spectral composition of the impedance in a wide frequency range. The AD5933 microcircuit uses a method of digital signal processing both to generate the test harmonic voltage and to analyze the bipolar current. It is the basis of the evaluation board EVAL-AD5933EBZ, which allows to implement methods of impedance spectroscopy in medicine, industry and agriculture.


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How to Cite

Nikitin, V., & Dubko, A. (2022). Measurement of the impedance of biological tissues and other environments using the evaluation board EVAL AD5933EBZ. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(4), 80–91.

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