Secure authentication in e-government 2.0: a comparative analysis of traditional session-based and modern jwt-based authentication




Information society public services, Website, e-Government 2.0, interactive services authentication


In the era of e-Government 2.0, the security of web applications is paramount, particularly in terms of user authentication. This article provides a comprehensive examination of two primary authentication methods: session-based authentication and JSON Web Token (JWT)-based authentication. It begins by discussing the foundational aspects of secure authentication, emphasizing its importance in e-Government platforms. The article then delves into the mechanics of session-based authentication, highlighting its reliance on server-side session management and the associated challenges. In contrast, JWT-based authentication is explored in depth, showcasing its stateless nature, structure, and the advantages of using access and refresh tokens in theory and also in practice. Through a detailed code example in Express.js, the article demonstrates the implementation of JWT-based authentication in a web application. The analysis concludes by summarizing the benefits of JWT, including enhanced security, scalability, and improved user experience, making it a suitable choice for modern e-Government applications.


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How to Cite

Shikhverdiyev, I., Babayev, E., Rahimli, C., Rahimli, N., & Aslanova, H. (2024). Secure authentication in e-government 2.0: a comparative analysis of traditional session-based and modern jwt-based authentication. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(6), 117–129.