Methods of increasing the efficiency of management of a motor vehicle enterprise




motor vehicle enterprise, organizational structure, management level, management, work of drivers


The optimal organizational structure of a motor transport enterprise is one of the conditions for effective activity. The basis of the enterprise's work is the functional responsibilities of the divisions. It is they who constitute the collective activity of the enterprise. For the normal functioning of the motor transport enterprise, it is necessary that its divisions work in the required schedule and in accordance with the needs of the market, i.e. must be flexible and fulfill their functions on time and in full. In this, it is important to take into account that at all levels of management, managers perform both purely managerial and executive functions. However, as the level of management increases, the specific weight of executive functions decreases. This means that a manager at any level of management spends a certain percentage of time making managerial decisions and a certain percentage of time making decisions by profession. As the level of management increases, the specific weight of tasks from the specialty decreases, and from management increases. Therefore, the managers of the enterprise must have high professional skills. For employees of the management apparatus, the work process consists in performing a set of functions, the main ones include planning, organization, coordination, control, accounting, analysis, and regulation. They are also endowed with certain rights, first of all, in terms of encouraging and punishing subordinates. Upon their submission, issues of hiring and firing employees are decided. But even with a properly organized management system, no motor vehicle enterprise will be able to carry out its activities without the leading profession for such enterprises - the driver. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of a motor vehicle enterprise is the correct organization of the work of drivers, since the execution of the transportation plan, therefore, the satisfaction of the needs of customers, and as a result, the efficiency of the operation of the enterprise, largely depends on their work.


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How to Cite

Prokudin, G., Chupaylenko, O., Lebid, I., & Kozlov, A. (2023). Methods of increasing the efficiency of management of a motor vehicle enterprise. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(2), 100–109.

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