The six-helix model of technology transfer innovation ecosystem


  • Yurii Nikitin Department Open Innovation Laboratory, Kyiv Academic University, Kyiv, Ukraine Department Innovation and Technology Transfer, Institute for superhard materials, Kyiv, Ukraine



innovation; open innovation; innovation ecosystem; technology transfer ecosystem; model ecosystem


Based on the analysis of the development of models of technology transfer, the concept of open innovation, innovation systems and innovation ecosystems, the approach of an effective technology transfer in the conditions of the development of innovative economy is proposed. A multi-level technology transfer ecosystem is proposed in the "Six Helix" innovation ecosystem model, which is based on the generation of new innovative enterprises based on technologies developed in research institutes/universities using: direct classical technology transfer, reverse technology transfer and outward transfer of open innovations.


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How to Cite

Nikitin, Y. (2023). The six-helix model of technology transfer innovation ecosystem. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 2(5), 1–12.

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