Organization of activities of critical infrastructure enterprises under martial law




energy sources, «green energy», project, attractiveness, innovative methods


The limited supply of energy sources with the growing needs of the population and industry leads to the need for widespread use of renewable energy sources. The processes of implementation of innovative methods of renewable energy in medical institutions under martial law were studied. A project on the uninterrupted operation of critical infrastructure facilities - the hospital and dispensary of the Pokrovsk OTG was proposed. The market of manufacturers of solar panel equipment is analyzed. Indicators of investment attractiveness of the project were calculated. It was emphasized that solar power plants can become an additional source of income for enterprises that can sell surplus energy to the grid. Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy are highlighted. The advantages include: no gas emissions into the environment; cheapness of received electricity; absence of noise pollution; reliability and durability of solar panels. Disadvantages include, firstly, a large area of land is required for the installation of SES, and secondly, the disposal of used panels is a serious problem. It has been proven that this sector provides opportunities for investment and development of new technologies that can be applied not only in solar energy, but also in other sectors, such as transport and industry.


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How to Cite

Sedikova, I., Drozdova, V., & Sedikov, D. (2024). Organization of activities of critical infrastructure enterprises under martial law. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(4), 17–25.



Business Economics and Production Management

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