Achieving stability of society development in global changes (on the example of volunteering)




volunteering, volunteer, volunteer movement, world experience, restoration of Ukraine


The article reveals potential directions for achieving the stability of social development in the period of global changes that characterize modernity (using the example of volunteering). The influence of the volunteer movement on the world economy is summarized. Data on its role in 15 countries of the world are provided. It is shown that the modern features of volunteerism are its comprehensiveness and comprehensiveness, which are first of all reflected in the variety of activities, forms of participation, degree of involvement and other state management of the development of society. In particular, the volunteer movement in Ukraine experienced a sharp increase against the background of military operations and the protection of the territorial integrity of the country. In those countries where there are strong traditions of volunteering - in Germany and Great Britain - volunteer activity and the volunteers themselves (volunteers) are implicitly protected by law. An analysis of the status of volunteers in the world shows that the state should regulate these forms to guarantee volunteers protection and to distinguish them from hired workers. Volunteers and volunteer organizations involving them in their activities may face a number of problems: incorrect operation of labor laws, taxation of volunteers' working time, loss of social assistance due to unemployment, etc. The experience of solving volunteering problems in Germany is shown. Unfortunately, not all European countries have laws on volunteering. However, Ukraine has the Law of April 19, 2011 No. 3236-VI "On Volunteering". Therefore, it is now important, based on international practice, to substantiate a set of measures that will contribute to the support of the volunteer movement and in the future ensure its sustainable growth, because it is still necessary to restore the destroyed and help the population to overcome the consequences of stress. Volunteering is the potential that can be used to solve urgent problems of social development.


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How to Cite

Boretska, N. P., Krapivina, G. O., & Marchenko, I. F. (2024). Achieving stability of society development in global changes (on the example of volunteering). International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(5), 29–36.

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