The composition and structure of promising biologically active complexes in the range of 2…4 nm nanoparticles




extract, tincture, garlic, nanoparticles, structure, nanoemulsions


In this article, the water tinctures selected by the research subjects were obtained on the basis of different groups and fragments of garlic: arrowhead winter garlic (arrows), single-tooth head (seed), head with teeth (clove). The results of the study of the particle size in water tinctures of garlic, size distribution, particle polydispersity and the evolution of the change in particle size depending on the exposure time for 24 h, using the method of laser correlation spectroscopy, are presented. In the obtained tinctures, the formation of structural elements with the smallest size of 2...4 nm was observed within 24 hours. The presence of particles up to 10 nm in size indicates the potentially high biological activity of the obtained tinctures. A study of the stability over time of aqueous dispersions within 24 hours was carried out. The results of the study indicate the dependence of the size distribution of structural complexes in water tinctures of garlic (cloves) on the concentration of garlic in the range of 40...100 g/l at a time interval of 1...24 hours. The qualitative and quantitative composition of micro- and macroelements in water tinctures of garlic was also determined using the method of optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. Studies of the chemical composition of both initial garlic fragments and aqueous dispersions after 24 hours of infusion were conducted. Based on the results of the study of the structure and chemical composition, the above-mentioned research objects can be used in medicine, food industry and agriculture as elements of natural preservatives or drugs with biologically active properties obtained on the basis of plant raw materials.


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How to Cite

Gornostai, O. (2024). The composition and structure of promising biologically active complexes in the range of 2…4 nm nanoparticles. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(1), 15–23.

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