Justification of the constituent factors of production safety





food availability, food security, safety factors, availability ratio, sufficiency ratio


Issues of substantiation of the components of food safety are considered. The stable development of functional subsystems with the orientation of production to the level of reasonable nutritional standards under the conditions of effective use of regional production and bioclimatic potential is the determining principle of qualitative improvement of the food supply of the population, which depends on the level of development of the market infrastructure, which allows the necessary products from the producer to the consumer. Its development contributes to the successful functioning of the food industry, the rational placement and regional specialization of its branches, which reduces the total costs of production, processing and sale of food products, and improves the mechanism of food sales. Measures to protect the environment from the negative impact of human activity are of great importance, i.e. the restoration of damaged resources should provide for the optimal organization of agricultural production taking into account environmental factors. One of the important requirements of food security is the sufficiency of food consumption, which can be determined using the coefficients of sufficiency and availability. With the help of the given methodology, it is possible to calculate the level of food security of the population, taking into account the relevant indicators. In particular, in order to achieve the required level of food security of the population, it is necessary, first of all, to increase the volume of production, to create the necessary conditions for stimulating the production of ecologically clean products and the organization of a reserve fund of ecologically safe food, as well as to continue the policy of increasing the employment of the population and its income level.


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How to Cite

Korchak, M. (2022). Justification of the constituent factors of production safety. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 1(4), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.46299/j.isjmef.20220104.05



Business Economics and Production Management

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