Automation of fiscal administration processes using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence


  • Mariana Poliak-Sverhun Department of Fundamental and Special Disciplines of Chortkiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Business of West Ukrainian National University, Chortkiv, Ukraine



automation, blockchain, tax administration, management, financial control, digital transformation, digital tools, artificial intelligence


The article is devoted to the analysis of modern methods of automating processes in tax administration. The author considers the possibilities of digital transformation of tax systems using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Due to the rapid technological development and the growth of data volumes, the use of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important for effective financial management and the application of the latest technologies in tax administration. The purpose of the study is to find out how the use of the latest process automation tools can help improve the financial management of companies. The hypothesis of the study is that automation of tax administration processes can lead to increased efficiency and accuracy of decision-making. The article discusses the main possibilities of tax administration process automation and their advantages. The study shows that the latest process automation tools can help detect financial irregularities and fraud, as well as automate accounting and financial data analysis. To achieve this goal, the article uses a literature review and research based on information on the implementation of process automation in tax administration. The article pays special attention to smart contracts, which allow for the automatic fulfilment of conditions and obligations arising from tax legislation, such as the automatic calculation and reservation of VAT for each transaction.


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How to Cite

Poliak-Sverhun, M. (2024). Automation of fiscal administration processes using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 3(5), 12–18.

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