Analysis and organization of the activities of enterprises in the chemical industry




Analysis, methods, forecast, organization of activity, enterprise, industry


Analysis and organization of the activities of chemical industry enterprises includes the assessment of market trends, optimization of production processes, resource management and innovation. It is important to apply modern technologies to increase efficiency and competitiveness. Choosing the right strategies will ensure stable development and profitability of production processes, the introduction of innovative technologies and product quality management. To assess the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to analyze such indicators as profitability, liquidity, solvency and asset turnover. These indicators allow to determine the financial condition of the enterprise and its ability to generate profit. It is also important to take into account environmental standards and occupational safety. The chemical industry has a significant impact on the environment. Compliance with environmental norms and standards is an important component of the activities of enterprises. Failure to comply with these norms can lead to fines, reputational losses and even termination of activities. Systematic monitoring is an integral part of the activities of modern enterprises. This not only minimizes risks, but also creates an additional competitive advantage. Effective organization allows you to reduce costs, improve competitiveness and meet consumer needs. Strategic planning and monitoring of performance indicators ensure the stability and competitiveness of the enterprise in the chemical industry market. The chemical industry is one of the key components of the industrial sector, which provides a wide range of products for various sectors of the economy: from agriculture to high-tech industries. Chemical industry enterprises are characterized by high technological complexity of production. This is due to the use of complex equipment, chemical reactions that require precise control of parameters, and high requirements for product quality.


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How to Cite

Sobolieva, H. (2025). Analysis and organization of the activities of enterprises in the chemical industry. International Science Journal of Management, Economics & Finance, 4(1), 1–8.



Business Economics and Production Management

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