Spatial-like continuum and gravitational waves. Part 1. To the nature of the formation of gravitational waves




Gravitational waves, the Universe, clusters of galaxies, groups of stars, inhomogeneous waves, Earth, tectogenesis, cycles of Stille, Wilson, spatial continuum


The gravitational field is studied in the process of its dispersion on discretely organized material objects of the universe (clusters of galaxies, star systems, groups of stars) and the formation of inhomogeneous gravitational waves with the structure of a spatial-like (SL) continuum (space-time). The influence of low-frequency components of the gravitational field of the Universe on the tectonic cyclical structure of the Earth's sedimentary layer with periods of millions to hundreds of millions of years is demonstrated. And also the fact that inhomogeneous gravitational waves form a local SL-continuum with the inherent possibility of combining two events in time and the impossibility of combining them in space. The gravity-wave hypothesis of the forces of long-period tectogenesis is substantiated in the following sequence of problematic questions: 1) mechanism of formation of gravitational waves; 2) scattering of gravitational waves on diffraction gratings of discretely organized space systems with the formation of non-homogeneous gravitational waves; 3) proof of the existence of a correlation between the periods of non-homogeneous waves and the periods of the Earth's tectonic processes; 4) proof that in the process of scattering of gravitational waves in the volume of a 3-dimensional diffraction grating, a SL-continuum is formed. The hypothesis of the nature of gravitational waves, which is based on the principle of de Broglie dualism known from quantum mechanics, is considered. A body moving at a constant speed is seen as a gravitational wave perceived by a stationary observer. At the same time, the de Broglie wave is characterized not as a harmonic, but as white noise with an amplitude equal to the Planck constant and an upper frequency equal to the de Broglie frequency. It is substantiated that part of the mass-energy, which is due to the movement of the body, that is, its kinetic energy, can be considered as the energy of the Debrougli wave - the energy of the gravitational wave field of the moving body. The dependence of the period of inhomogeneous waves generated on gratings on the average distance between cosmic formations (stars, galaxies, etc.) has been established. The Earth is perceived as a gravitational antenna, and its sedimentary layer as a kind of "tape recorder" where the temporal changes of the gravitational potential at the point of the universe where the Earth is located are recorded and stored. It is shown that heterogeneous waves formed by the scattering of gravitational waves on groups of stars are responsible for the 11-year periodicity of the Sun's activity. Waves formed by scattering on the nearest galaxies initiate a tectonic process with a periodicity of 1.24 million years (galactic cycle), on groups of galaxies - with a periodicity of 15 million years (Stille cycles), on galaxy clusters (the cellular structure of the Universe) - with a periodicity 400 million years (Wilson cycles).


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How to Cite

Karpenko, I. (2022). Spatial-like continuum and gravitational waves. Part 1. To the nature of the formation of gravitational waves. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 1(5), 106–121.

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