Application of the method of analysis of hierarchies for the comparative analysis of legislative acts in the field of biodiversity


  • Olena Dmytrieva Laboratory of ecologically safe nature use, means and methods of environmental monitoring, Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems (UkrNDIEP), Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Sergey Yemelyanov Laboratory of ecologically safe nature use, means and methods of environmental monitoring, Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems (UkrNDIEP), Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Iryna Drulyova Laboratory of ecologically safe nature use, means and methods of environmental monitoring, Ukrainian Research Institute of Environmental Problems (UkrNDIEP), Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Vyacheslav Bratkevich Department of computer systems and technologies Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine



biodiversity, criterion, legislative act, content, system analysis method, agreement coefficient


The procedure of comparative assessment of the regulatory support of biodiversity monitoring standards is considered, which is a preliminary stage of the successful creation of an environmental legal framework in countries that are on the way to join the legislative acts already existing in the EU. A systematic approach to the problem of implementation of the legislative bases of Ukraine and EU countries is proposed. This approach takes into account the realities of today, when there are financial and personnel restrictions that do not allow to fully implement in a relatively short period of time all the many proposed changes and additions to the existing legal framework. Therefore, justifying the choice of the most important legislative acts for priority implementation for Ukraine is a very urgent task. A method of quantitative comparative assessment of the level of coordination of a number of laws of Ukraine and directives of the EU countries for compliance with the legal criteria of the quality of the content of a standard legislative act in the field of biodiversity is proposed. Three factors characterizing the content are given: the quality of the presentation of the text of the article of the law; the logic of the presentation of the text of the article of the law; technological and legal criteria. The model for evaluating the coordination of a number of laws of Ukraine and Directive 92/43/EEC is considered. The basis of mathematical modeling is the method of systems analysis and its special case – the method of analyzing hierarchies. The model has a cluster structure with hierarchical and holarchic connections between the corresponding nodes-criteria within the clusters.The Super Decision environment was selected as the software for the implementation process, where the simulation result is provided in the form of a number of indicators that allow evaluating the absolute, marginal and global priorities of coordination, as well as their ratio coefficients depending on the direction of implementation. A comprehensive indicator of agreement is proposed for each criterion and their integral set in the areas of implementation of legislative acts. Formulas for calculating the complex index of agreement are given and examples of its calculation are provided.


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How to Cite

Dmytrieva, O., Yemelyanov, S., Drulyova, I., & Bratkevich, V. (2024). Application of the method of analysis of hierarchies for the comparative analysis of legislative acts in the field of biodiversity. International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture, 3(2), 96–111.

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